Dr Morton's - Prevent chlamydia
Dr Morton's – the medical helpline is a telephone and web-based business providing medical advice to customers.
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the medical helpline©

Prevent chlamydia infection

Prevent chlamydia infection

Chlamydia is the UK's most common STI and is potentially life-changing. Use a

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Dr Morton's Prescription© for chlamydia

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Dr Morton's Test Kit© for chlamydia and gonorrhoea

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See Dr Morton's Test Kit© for all 4 major STIs

See Dr Morton's Test Kit© for HIV

Chlamydia the hidden threat

Chlamydia is the UK's most common sexually transmitted infection (STI). Around 10% of people aged between 17 and 25 are carriers. There may be no apparent symptoms but it is potentially highly damaging if left untreated.

Symptoms of chlamydia infection

When to contact a doctor

Seek medical advice if you are unwell with abdominal pain and a fever

Prevention and available treatments

All sexually active people should protect themselves against infection by using a condom when having sex with a new partner, until both parties have been tested and cleared, particularly if the new partner's sexual history is at all unclear.

Dr Morton's Test Kit© for Chlamydia is a reliable test for chlamydia infection. Ask us to send you one in confidence.

Dr Morton's Test Kit© is posted to you at home with a reply paid envelope from our partner laboratory. Their process is confidential. The turnaround time for analysis at the doctors laboratory is 2 to 3 days (except for weekends and bank holidays) from receipt of your sample and so the whole process is likely to take around a week, depending mainly upon the post and how quickly you are able to return your sample. Your result is reviewed by our doctor. You will receive an email once this has been done notifying you to log back in using your confidential password to read what the doctor said as well as access the report.

If you are concerned about other sexually transmitted infections 'STIs' (for example if you have a new partner) it may be wise to consider a more comprehensive STI / STD screening test. With Dr Morton's Test Kit© for all 4 major STIs it is possible to test for gonorrhoea, syphilis and HIV at the same time as chlamydia.

Our doctors screen the Dr Morton's Test Kit© results for you so in some cases they may ask you to contact them to discuss the result before you read it. Our charges for calls or further emails are as set out.

If you believe that you may have been exposed to chlamydia after unprotected sex, it is important to act quickly to prevent infection and possible long-term damage. If your test result is positive, you will want speedy access to the antibiotic treatment required in the form of Dr Morton's Prescription© for chlamydia . The recommended treatment is Doxycycline 100mg taken twice daily for 7 days. Second line treatment is Azithromycin taken as a single 1g dose (BSSM 2018).

It is important that all sexual partners should be informed and advised to be treated or tested. You must not have sex for seven days after treatment.

Ideally, the chlamydia test should be repeated 6-8 weeks after treatment to check that the chlamydia has been fully treated.

If you are about to travel and concerned to take precautions to prevent chlamydia, you may wish to purchase Dr Morton's Travel Pack© which contains Doxycycline which is the recommended first line treatment and after contact prevention.

People who are allergic to doxycycline should be treated with Azithromycin instead.

Always read the literature supplied with any medicine.

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