Vaccinations and travel medicine

Who hasn’t had the runs when on holiday in exotic places? Travellers' diarrhoea is very common!
- arrange travel vaccinations in good time through your local travel clinic or GP
- treat common medical problems with
Dr Morton’s Travel Pack© - be empowered to stay healthy on holiday
With Dr Morton’s - the medical helpline© you can email or phone a real doctor at any time for more information, reassurance or advice
Gynae Travel Pack©
Guys Travel Pack©
Gynae Travel Pack© for seniors
Guys Travel Pack© for seniors
Don’t let illness spoil your trip. Be prepared!
Careful preparation is very important and up to date advice from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office web site or a reputable travel clinic is essential when travelling to exotic locations.
It is important that you are up to date with current standard vaccinations such as polio, tetanus and diphtheria, which are more prevalent in many other countries than in the UK. Check with you GP surgery if unsure – these are still serious and life threatening diseases.
Antimalarial tablets are essential when visiting countries where malaria is endemic and the type of antimalarial medicine depends upon the precise species of malaria most commonly found where you are going. You must take your antimalarial medication exactly as prescribed and avoid being bitten whenever possible by using mosquito nets and insect repellents properly.
Different countries require different vaccinations. Again take advice from your GP surgery, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office or a travel clinic where the vaccines can be given. Do this well in advance as some vaccines are in short supply and it may take weeks to complete your course and allow time for the vaccine to stimulate your immune system to make the necessary antibodies. Some are 'live vaccines' so they may give you a sore arm and also make you feel fluey and feverish for a day or two.
Then there are the less exotic illnesses to think about. Diarrhoea and vomiting, with the inevitable dehydration in hot climates. Cystitis, because of poor hydration and holding on far too long on long journeys. Thrush, because of getting hot and sticky. The inevitable insect bite, that causes a bad reaction or occasionally becomes infected. The tonsillitis, which always seems to happen when you unwind after working too hard, and get away for what should be a relaxing holiday. The indigestion, which comes from novel spicy foods, and the constipation, from becoming dry and not relishing using that toilet.
All these things (and many more) are the recognisable consequences of travel. Of course it is true that many medicines can be bought over-the-counter, but this is not always as easy as you might imagine. You may find your phrasebook Swahili or Greek being severely tested, and demonstrating to the pharmacist that you have diarrhoea can be a challenge! Anyway, why would you want to visit the local chemist, or even the ship’s doctor, because of constipation? Why not travel empowered; equipped to deal with the common medical issues that you will encounter?
Other important advice
- protect against sunburn
- hydration is key to health
- protect your sexual health (clear advice about this is given in the
Travel Pack ) - take sufficient of your own prescription-only medicines for your entire trip
- take
Dr Morton’s Sports Injury or Hikers Pack©s if you are walking or climbing or doing something that might lead to strains or injury - take special care if travelling alone
- take out travel insurance
When you should contact a doctor
- if you sustain an injury or are severely unwell you must seek medical assistance as quickly as you can, wherever you are
- when taking medication but you don’t seem to be getting better
- if uncertain about whether to start a treatment
- if unclear about medical advice you have been given
With Dr Morton’s – the medical helpline© you can email or phone one of our doctors at any time for more information, reassurance or advice.
Related topics
- debate over vaccinations
- thrush
- cystitis
- diarrhoea
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- Foreign and Commonwealth Office Travel Advice